Monday, May 26, 2008

Adieu to the True Audiophile?

Frustrating article... I am by no means an audiophile but I do enjoy music and love to feel the passion of the artist come through the notes and subtle tones... Good audio equipment is an investment in my mind but it seems that everything is getting some commoditized these days... Enough of my mini-rant... read the article.

Adieu to the True Audiophile?


1 comment:

StephanV said...

It's not Adieu to the True Audiophile, it's Adieu to the Audiophile wanna be. The True ones still sit exactly in the sweet spot of their floor-standing speakers, with the bass and the treble both centered at 0dB, and don't spill their poutine on the front of their shirt.

The market availability of toys only sets the true audiophile apart even more.