Thursday, January 3, 2008

Geek To Live: Power replacements for built-in Windows utilities

Another great post from LifeHacker -- Power Tools for Windows Users...

Geek To Live: Power replacements for built-in Windows utilities


Monday, December 31, 2007

Best Of 2007: Twenty Top 10's of 2007

Lifehacker is a GREAT source for all sort of gems... Here is a round up of their best Top 10 lists of the year!

Best Of 2007: Twenty Top 10's of 2007


PC World's Techlog Year-End Stats: IE7, Firefox, Vista, Mac

Great stats on visitors to PC World's web sites...

PC World's Techlog Year-End Stats: IE7, Firefox, Vista, Mac


Ho-ho-horrible: album sales plunge 20 percent this Christmas

Interesting article on the demise of the CD... as a side effect, it will also ring in the demise of the "album" as we know it... The masses will pick up DRM-free music but will be very selective on their purchases. So getting the latest Alice Cooper "album" will be a thing of the past -- you might just pick up one or two tracks (the ones that hit the radio or the satellite broadcast).

Ho-ho-horrible: album sales plunge 20 percent this Christmas

Disclosure: I'm a HUGE Alice Cooper fan ;-)


AOL Pulls Plug on Netscape Web Browser-

Netscape is dead. It's been a long time coming. I don't think Netscape ever recovered from Microsoft's onslaught early in the browser wars. But Netscape's little cousin Firefox is kicking butt and taking names ;-). Let's all have a moment of net-silence as this early trend setter of the World Wide Web retires into darkness...

Now go get Firefox!!!

AOL Pulls Plug on Netscape Web Browser-


Pope's exorcist squads will wage war on Satan | the Daily Mail

The Pope believes in the Devil :-) And wants to crush him like a worm with prayer. It seems that the youth of today are corrupted by the internet and rock music... "The night time is the right time, the night time is the right time" (Adam Sandler reference). It's comments like these that are turning people away from the church -- at least IMHO...

Pope's exorcist squads will wage war on Satan | the Daily Mail
The Vatican is particularly concerned that young people are being exposed to the influence of Satanic sects through rock music and the Internet.

21 ways to use old coffee grounds - Green Daily

Go green in '08 :-) I've heard of using old grounds as fertilizer but there are a lot of interesting ideas here...

21 ways to use old coffee grounds - Green Daily


Happy Holidays & Happy New Year!

Wishing you all the very best in 2008! Happy New Year Everyone!!!

This is a great time to reflect on the year that was... take some time -- go back and look at the photos you've taken this year. Look at your busy calendar and see what you've accomplished! What would you have liked to accomplish? Are these goals still within reach? Make a plan and take some action!

All the best from my family to yours!