Screenshot Captor - Mouser - Software -
"Screenshot Captor is a program for taking screenshots on your computer. It's different from other screenshot utilis in several notable ways"-ZB
A soft spot to land... Things that catch my interest.
"Screenshot Captor is a program for taking screenshots on your computer. It's different from other screenshot utilis in several notable ways"-ZB
"LinuxCertified Inc, a leading provider of Linux laptops, today announced its next generation laptops optimised for engineering and scientific community. Powered with Ubuntu 7.04, these laptops focus on high performance and scalability. The laptops come pre-configured with many of the common tools used by technical users."-ZB
"Large PC manufacturers were slated to have to stop selling XP after January 31. However, they have successfully lobbied Microsoft to allow them to continue selling PCs with all flavors of Windows XP preloaded until June 30, a further five months. Microsoft also plans to keep XP on retail shelves longer and will allow computer makers in emerging markets to build machines with Windows XP Starter Edition until June 2010."-ZB
"Microsoft officials say they are investigating reports that files the company deployed this summer prevent Windows XP users who run a built-in 'repair' function from installing as many as 80 of the company's latest security patches."-ZB
Yesterday evening we were alerted to an issue in Excel 2007 (and Excel Services 2007) involving calculation of numbers around 65,535. The first example that we heard about was =77.1*850, but it became clear from our testing as well as additional reports that this was just one instance where Excel 2007 would return a value of 100,000 instead of 65,535. The majority of these additional reports were focused on multiplication (ex. =5.1*12850; =10.2*6425; =20.4*3212.5 ), but our testing showed that this really didn't have anything do to with multiplication - it manifested itself with many but not all calculations in Excel that should have resulted in 65,535 (=65535*1 and =16383.75*4 worked for instance). Further testing showed a similar phenomenon with 65,536 as well. This issue only exists in Excel 2007, not previous versions.
"While Vista was originally touted by Microsoft as the operating system savior we've all been waiting for, it has turned out to be one of the biggest blunders in technology. With a host of issues that are inexcusable and features that are taken from the Mac OS X and Linux playbook, Microsoft has once again lost sight of what we really want."-ZB