Monday, October 1, 2007

Microsoft Watch - Vista - XP's Success Isn't Vista's Failure

Well written article about MSFT's recent decision to extend the OEM life of Windows XP. Joe Wilcox makes some good points saying that Microsoft didn't make a Bad OS in delivering Vista. It simply isn't good enough to displace XP and the HW OEMs have not boosted their hardware in step with Vista (presumably to keep margins high).

Microsoft Watch - Vista - XP's Success Isn't Vista's Failure


1 comment:

StephanV said...

People were saying the same thing about XP 5 years ago. And now look: People want to trade their Vista back for XP. Just relax! The hardware will grow faster, the bottlenecks will be dealt with. Now that we have something to benchmark against, and something to aim for!

MS has a big steamroller and can pretty much get their way with your computer. And besides, if MS is putting out their own numbers about Vista acceptance world-wide, how were these numbers gathered? Of course, no one will report numbers that hurt them, but you can spin doctor just about any statistic to make just about anything look good.

Does it sound like MS is encouraging large corporations to deploy it? That’s where the money is. Large companies (even resellers, to some extent), doing large scale deployments.