Monday, June 8, 2009

Inkscape 0.47 contest entry

Congrats to sko on his winning Inkscape 0.47 about screen contest!


Monday, January 26, 2009

What, Me Worry?: MAD Magazine Going Quarterly

I've always been a fan of Alfred E. Newman... I must admit that I've not read the magazine in years but it's sad that this iconic magazine (and all of it's back page fold-out glory) is slowing down and only being released 4 times a year...

What, Me Worry?: MAD Magazine Going Quarterly


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Haven't posted in a while -- guess this is as good time as any! I'd like to wish you and yours the very best in 2009. May you enjoy the health, love and prosperity you deserve!

Let's hope the economy picks up and that the wars and strife around the world calms down < I'd say "stop" the wars but we have to take baby steps >. Let's stop fighting over land and resources and see how we can work together to make this blue planet better for everyone.

It greatly saddens me to know that generations of children are being raised to hate others without knowing exactly why they hate their neighbors... All sides have good and all sides have bad -- I hope that common ground is found and people come to their senses. I know it's optimistic but without hope, what do we really have eh?